Anonymous 24 Aug 2020

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✅ 8️⃣Satisfying Wood Working Machines आप ज़रूर देखे
09 Oct 2020
✅ 8️⃣Satisfying Wood Working Machines आप ज़रूर देखे
Anonymous · 1567 Views

सिर्फ सच्चे आस्थिक लोग ही देखें god caught on camera


god caught on camera


Real god seen

Friends, even though some people do not believe in the existence of God, it cannot be denied that even today God exists among us and keeps coming in front of us in some form but friends, today we will show you some such videos In which the real God was seen and after which everyone has also decided to believe in God, then let's see some amazing videos in which friends Saw the real gods

Number 5 god in the clouds

Friends, this video is of a time when a man was making a video of the beautiful views of the sky but he did not know that some such pictures would be recorded in his camera which would reveal the existence of God, yes friends, in this video you You can clearly see that in this video God is seen walking in the clouds, after seeing which everyone was surprised.

God in Number 4 Church

Friends, we go to the church so that we can see God, but friends, we go to the temple and worship the idols of God, but sometimes these idols are also known, after watching this video it becomes clear clearly Yes friends suddenly come to life in the statue of Jesus in the church and she starts touching her eyes

Number 3 god in jungle

Friends, this video is of the time when God was seen suddenly coming out of the middle of the forest, where friends saw that someone was going towards the sky in white clothes from among the trees in the forest, after which everyone claimed Done that it's nobody else but god jesus

God in the number 2 Sai Baba temple

Friends, thousands of people come to the Sai Baba temple to fulfill their wishes, then at the same night, a view was recorded in this temple that no one had expected when this temple was closed at night, then this temple The camera in the video recorded a strange incident, it can be seen clearly that Sai Baba automatically removed the garland lying on his neck and seeing this view every Oi was shocked

God in number 1 storm

Friends, in this view you will see the storm and the storm as well as the lightning is also seen in it, but apart from this, there is one more thing in this storm that you might not even notice, yes friends between this storm and lightning I can see God standing who takes all the electricity inside and saves all the people from the havoc

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✅ 8️⃣Satisfying Wood Working Machines आप ज़रूर देखे
09 Oct 2020
✅ 8️⃣Satisfying Wood Working Machines आप ज़रूर देखे
Anonymous · 1567 Views