Anonymous 24 Aug 2020

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आज तक नहीं देखा होगा दो मुंह वाला ऐसा अजीबोगरीब जीव || Two headed animals || Mr. Fact Series ||
11 Jan 2021
आज तक नहीं देखा होगा दो मुंह वाला ऐसा अजीबोगरीब जीव || Two headed animals || Mr. Fact Series ||
Anonymous · 329 Views

अगर दिल में भगवान् के लिए सच्ची आस्था हो तो आपको कुछ नहीं हो सकता 5 people has super natu power68


top 5 peoples who have powers


Friends, we are all different from everyone in some way, if someone makes his name on the strength of his talent, then someone's hobbies and his looks give him success, but some people have some power that someone has No, yes, what we call Super Natural Powers, Super Natural Powers are not only in films but also in real life, today we are going to introduce you From people who have made a unique name in the world on the strength of their supernatural power, then before starting the video, there is a request from you to watch this video so that no information is missed from you.

5-) Brain Shaw-
Brain Shaw, 37, lives in the United States, has won the title of Strong Man several times, friends he set a new record by lifting a 330 kilogram stone, this record was first created by Donal deny in 1860, after which many people held this record They were engaged in breaking but no one could break this record, many women were also involved in it, but Brain did not break this record, but more than the first record. Of these stones to time also moved up from his hands. Friends, because of this style, it is also the role model of Kai logo.

4-) Teresa Widener-
Friends, everyone is fond of food, if someone likes something, someone has something, but have you seen anyone eating stones or not, then we introduce you to a woman who is very fond of eating stones, Friends Teresa has been eating stone for many years and now it has become a habit of hers, first she loved the stone smel, then slowly she started eating it, and now it is her habit Went to, so why not have them something Despite eat stones that you're feeling? So let us tell you that according to the doctors, Teresa has a disease called "Jia Facia", due to which she does not have anything to do with this strange habit.

3-) Johanne Astrid-
Friends, you will be surprised if you see this little girl playing drums, this girl started playing drums since childhood, once her parents saw it playing drums, they understood that their daughter must have mastered playing drums. So she got it a professional drum, when this little girl showed her drum playing skills in front of people in a Got Talent Show, people became crazy about it, what Jess and the audience were all stunned by this girl's art.

2-) Jacques Bailly-
If you open the exhibition, you will get new words and it is so difficult to pronounce many words, don't ask, and in many countries there is also a separate competition for it, which is called the Spelling Bee, given to the contestants in this competition Spelling of gone words has to be told, friends it is not as easy as it sounds, in fact it is not as much as it is in English language unless you It is very difficult to pronounce the spell once you see it, but it is not at all difficult for these people, they have absolutely correct spellings for every word, give any words to Jacques for all the words. Accurately tells the correct spelling, and because of his skill, he is known all over the world.

1-) Monk From Thailand
Friends, you all know that anything can be done w

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आज तक नहीं देखा होगा दो मुंह वाला ऐसा अजीबोगरीब जीव || Two headed animals || Mr. Fact Series ||
11 Jan 2021
आज तक नहीं देखा होगा दो मुंह वाला ऐसा अजीबोगरीब जीव || Two headed animals || Mr. Fact Series ||
Anonymous · 329 Views