Anonymous 25 Aug 2020

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कभी देखी है ऐसी अनोखी खूबसूरती 10 rarest beauty in the world, strange people
06 Dec 2020
कभी देखी है ऐसी अनोखी खूबसूरती 10 rarest beauty in the world, strange people
Anonymous · 1754 Views

ज़िन्दगी के आखरी समय में जो खाने को मंगवाया उससे पुलिस वाले हिल गए last request by people


rast meal by people


Some last weird eating dishes sought before dying

Dialog of many films is "Tell your last wish before you die?" And you will be surprised to know that the prisoners in the jail are also given one last wish which is their last meal. Yes! Now every kind of last wish is not fulfilled in real life like in films, but it is definitely decided that if any prisoner dies then he dies by eating a good meal. Just as the goat is fed too much before being slaughtered, the same happens with some Kedios and in this case the jail government gives the Kedios a chance to demand a special dish for themselves. And today we will talk about the same strange dishes that the prisoners had asked for in their last time. So I have brought Sam today for you to demand something unique and strange that the prisoners do

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1. First of all, know David Leon Woods' desire to eat, he wanted to get a birthday cake for his last meal. Although he was not killed on his birthday, you might find it a bit bad for David, but David wanted him to celebrate his birthday once before he died. Poor devid

2. Andrew Loki comes in second place. Andrew ji called for a very unique combination of dishes for his dinner. He ordered some raw turkey pieces, turkey is a bird that is mixed in the country and along with bread cheese and some french fries, now bread cheese, french I understand fries, they also come in the miles of McDonald's, but raw turkey pieces? Brother, at least when the turkey was cooked, then what was the need of eating raw food. This man did not leave madness even while dying

3. At number three we will talk about a serial killer named Alton Coleman. The band ordered a salad, a pie, chicken nuggets, French fries, onion rings, bread, broccoli and cheeses, biscuits, coke and finally mushrooms. If I am tired of speaking, I will not be tired eating this? This man asked for so many things separately for himself. Brother, this is the best food yet that he has eaten in jail. Dead but full

4. At number four is our most famous Ajmal Kasab. Yes! This is the same Kasab who carried out many terror attacks in India and now knows what Kasab would have ordered for his last meal. I think there must have been a big party, but let's see. Brother Kasab refused to eat his last meal. Will be sad But still the jail staff were not so ruthless, they gave a whole basket of tomatoes to Kasab. I think Kasab would not like tomatoes at all, so he did it.

5. Christopher Brooks was a very simple man who also asked for a very simple thing to eat which was two peanut butter cups and a little coke. Now do not know this simple human being jailed for which non-simple crime? I don't even know go ahead

6. Now let's go back a little and come in 1962 where our sixth prisoner was fulfilled and that sixth prisoner was Adolf Eyckman. In Hitler's time, Adolf Eyckman was also an important individual who created the Holocaust and he also had a huge hand to bring the Holocaust to the world at this time, but he finally caught up and when this man's last food will was asked. When she went, she called for liquor. I was just waiting for this in the bus, I was thinking that none of the so many people called for liquor, but finally that moment has come, this is the person who refused to eat his last meal, only for himself. Demand. This is the smartest man ever

7. This number is Ledell Lee, he just died in 2017. It seems that their food will be very good, they have just died, they must have died after eating well. But it is not so, Ladell Lee also simply changed his religion and ate wafer paper. Do not know who is giving them the wrong information that if they change religion at the time of dying, they will go to heaven.

8. At number eight is Roger Kos, who just asked for a communal wafer paper for his last mile, which is the same paper that Christians keep in their mouths and swear by Catholicism. Rodger changed his religion shortly before he died and became a Catholic. Now nobody has explained to them that changing religion does not wash away sins.

9. Timothy Mikwe is our ninth prisoner who executed a very large bombblast in Oklahoma City in 1995. Timothy ordered Mint Ice cream for his dinner. Yes! I also liked your choice very much.

10. John Way Casey comes at this number. John was killed in 1994 as he had 33 boys and tried to make physical connections with him and he also became a clown. It floated its last mile, roasted shrimp, a KFC chicken bucket, french fries and two kilos of strawberries. You heard right two kilos! It has eaten that strawberry and has also planted it at the mouth, it will be the same public.

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कभी देखी है ऐसी अनोखी खूबसूरती 10 rarest beauty in the world, strange people
06 Dec 2020
कभी देखी है ऐसी अनोखी खूबसूरती 10 rarest beauty in the world, strange people
Anonymous · 1754 Views