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Adama Traorè ● Fastest Runs/Sprints Ever ●  Is He Human?
13 Jan 2021
Adama Traorè ● Fastest Runs/Sprints Ever ● Is He Human?
Anonymous · 1827 Views

सिर्फ 5 मिनट देखलो ये वीडियो आपका दिमाग घूम जायेगा world fastest worker and people in the world5


top 20 fastest worker in the world


Incredibly fast workers 2019

Today many machines have come to work, through which you can do any work very easily, but we are also human beings who make these machines, then how can we stay behind in this matter. There are people who do their work faster than the machine and everyone is surprised to see their speed and today we are going to tell you about some such workers before whom Are also failing machines to large work d If you only want to know about the workers at those who you like as well as videos made by the end of our video video like course

number 1

Friends, in this video you will be clear that the work of grinding and packing the meat is going on here, but now look at the hands of this woman who is tying this big line of eraser to the right size and to make it work. Speed ​​is too fast

number 2

The need of cleaning staff is very high in hotels and restaurants and it is also necessary to keep the restaurant clean, but just look at the person who is busy cleaning very fast, its speed is not less than a machine. It would not be wrong to say that it can clean the entire hotel and restaurant in a few hours

No. 3

Everyone can break a stone but it is not a matter of everyone to break the stone into the right size and today even the biggest machines are used to break the stones, but this person can get the stones in the right size in a few minutes Breaks that too soon as you can see in this video

Number 4

Only one person is not required to build a building, but different people have to be called for every task, but still the work of building is not finished very soon but when you see these workers who are very Seeing their speed, they are working to build the building at a high speed, it seems as if a machine has been installed inside them.

No. 5

Now it is the turn to show a video which you will be surprised to see, this person is cutting green vegetable in a wooden hall and cutting it as if it is a machine and its vegetable cutting speed is also amazing. So have you ever chopped any vegetable at such a fast pace?

Number 6

Anybody can do eggs in two pieces, but this woman is doing something different from it. It is cutting eggs in a very precise way and its egg cutting speed is so much faster that the longer you take two eggs By the time you cut it, it will have cut the entire eggs into fine pieces.

Number 7
Now look at these people too, everyone is surprised to see their speed, where everyone takes a lot of time to cut the apple, then they cut the apple in the blink of an instant, the sooner you lift the apple in your hands. In that time it will have peeled the sev completely

Number 8

How much time you can spend at your shop to pack the same 10 minutes, 5 minutes or 15 minutes, but maybe you can not pack anything as fast as this girl, this girl packs cookies at such high speed. It has been said that even the running of its hands is not known, if there are such workers at the shop, then there will not be any rush of customers at the shop.

number nine

Today, noodles are in high demand not only in the whole country but also in India, noodles are eaten in large quantities everywhere, so there have been many machines today to make noodles, but you can do it with your own hands Are engaged in making and their speed is not less than any machine, it cuts the flour in very fast speed and it is also in the perfect shape of noodles. Interpretation of these individual lotus

Number 10

You must have eaten marshmallows at some time and even today, children like marshmallows very much, but this person is seen making marshmallows at very high speed, this person makes marshmallows at such speed and wraps them on wood. Like it's a left-handed game

Number 11

How many onions can you chop at one time, but maybe you can cut the onion in a large amount by machine, but look at this person, this person will cut the onion one after the other and cut it like this It has been as if it is an expert in this work, where people cannot eve

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Adama Traorè ● Fastest Runs/Sprints Ever ●  Is He Human?
13 Jan 2021
Adama Traorè ● Fastest Runs/Sprints Ever ● Is He Human?
Anonymous · 1827 Views