Anonymous 25 Aug 2020

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कभी देखी है ऐसी अनोखी खूबसूरती 10 rarest beauty in the world, strange people
06 Dec 2020
कभी देखी है ऐसी अनोखी खूबसूरती 10 rarest beauty in the world, strange people
Anonymous · 1754 Views

जब इनको 5 दिन बिना इंटरनेट के कमरे में बंद रखा गया उसके बाद जो हुआ people 5 days withouth Internet


They were locked in solitary cell without internet for 5 days, but no one expected this (adventure)


Friends, you must have heard this many times that we are unable to use even 1% of our brain, this means that the strength of human mind is very high. So much so that no one can even guess it but still we live a normal life. Because our mind has changed according to the way we have kept it, so there have been some experiments, friends, which have proved that the human mind understands the same things. What we want to explain to him, and when things change, the way our brains work also begins to change. So friends, today we will show you some such unique experiments which will prove that the human mind is such a crooked thing. Friends, today's video is going to be very interesting, so you will definitely watch this video so that you can enjoy this video completely.

5 days in isolation: - Good friends, if we ask you when you leave and sit in peace, then the answer for most of you will be that never. Because today we have everything that can not let us sit alone for a single moment whether it is your phone, laptop, TV or video games or anything else, we keep doing something all the time. . So we have no idea how we will react if we are left empty. And friends, to know about this, a UK TV channel put up a contest in which they locked 5 people in different rooms and were asked to bring only three things which are non electrical ie electricity. Do not move and all the other necessities were present in that room, yes friends, it is very similar to the prison, the only difference was that in jail you will have any 3 nine electric Are not allowed to bring things. ........ Friends, after going to jail many times, the perpetrator starts committing even more crimes, because many things come in the empty mind and you think more about those things as you would a human being. Ho, and this is why many people suffer from loneliness. And the same thing happened in this experiment, only 3 out of 5 people could stay in that room for 5 days, among these five people there was a participant named charmayne who could not stay in that room even for 4 hours,… ..... friends George was there for the whole 24 hours and then he felt strange in that lonely room, George said that the biggest problem was that he was not aware of the time, and isolation. I am always like this It seems that people are unable to assess the time.… .. Friends, only three people are able to reach the last day of the experiment, out of these three, a woman named Sara is strange after 72 hours. He started to feel a bit and he started talking to himself, although this guy named Led found a great way to spend time, he always kept talking to his camera which made his mind feel that he was talking to someone else. But the method of a woman named Lucy reaching the last of this experiment was the best because she used to draw something on the board all the time which cut her time well and she did not even feel bored ... .........

Does Price matter: Friends, we all know that money affects everything, most people think that what will be expensive will be good and an experiment was done to understand it better. Where two cake stalls were placed, one was priced at $ 55, the other was priced at $ 15 and people were given both these cakes to test. When people did a $ 15 cake test, everyone gave some No drawbacks, but friends, when those same people were given the $ 55 cake to test, they found the cake quite delicious and everyone praised that cake, but friends, the most shocking thing was that both of them There were only cake beans, both of them had exactly the same beans, but just because of the price, people understood that the thing that is more expensive is of better quality. Will be Because of which people called the cake with higher prices more tasty, good friends, what do you think is that what is more expensive is always good, we will definitely tell your answer on the comment box.

Positive thinking: Friends, you must have heard the words "B positive" many times, which means that one should always think well and never pay attention to the bad and to prove the same, two people are on top of one. Experimented, one of which was a girl who did not know how to play basketball and the other was a boy who used to play very good basketball, although not only friends Knew that going experiment of a top two. All they were told was that it was being done for a TV show, friends were first experimented with on the girl and asked her to put a bowl in the first basketball, one of the two bowls she put in each basket. I was asked to tie her eyes in the basket and then she was asked not to bow in the basket, even though people showed that her ball was placed in the basket, Could confidence has i

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कभी देखी है ऐसी अनोखी खूबसूरती 10 rarest beauty in the world, strange people
06 Dec 2020
कभी देखी है ऐसी अनोखी खूबसूरती 10 rarest beauty in the world, strange people
Anonymous · 1754 Views